
Yongfan Ding

Partner/Patent Attorney

Practice Area:  electronic material/semiconductor/telecommunication/automobile electronics/aviation electronics / nuclear technology

Tel: 86-10-59208888 E-mail: yongfan.ding@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Dr. Ding is a partner at Unitalen. He is a registered patent attorney before Chinese Patent Office. 

Prior to joining Unitalen, Dr. Ding engaged in scientific research for many years. His research works are oriented to several directions such as magnetic structure determination, High-Tc Superconductivity, and magnetic phase transition by using neutron scattering technique and synchrotron radiation technique, with more than 10 international publications. Furthermore, Dr. Ding participated in the development of powder neutron diffractometer during 1990-1993 and was responsible for the physical design of beamline 4B9A at National Laboratory of Synchrotron Radiation Facility at Chinese Academy of Sciences during his postdoctoral period of 1999-2001. Dr. Ding has worked at a reputed patent agency company during 2001-2013. In 2011, he received training on U.S. patent law and practice with a law firm in the United States. Dr. Ding is experienced in Chinese patent prosecution, invalidation, and patent litigation, especially in the fields of electronic material, semiconductor, telecommunication, automobile electronics, aviation electronics, and nuclear technology etc. 

Education Background

1996-1999, Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin), Germany, Dr. rer. nat.;
1988-1991, Institute of Atomic Energy, China, Master of Science;
1981-1985, University of Electronic Sci. & Tech. of China, Bachelor of Engineering.

Professional Qualification: 

Member of All-China Patent Agents Association.

Working Language

Chinese English German