
Zeyan Li

Partner/Patent Attorney

Practice Area:  Patent applications, reexaminations, invalidation, patent licenses, legal opinions in the fields of electricity, communications, integrated circuits, computers, semiconductors, etc

Tel: 86-10-59208481 E-mail: zeyan.li@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Ms. Li has joined Unitalen since 2002. She is engaged in patent document preparation, OA response, and standard patent evaluation in the areas of electrics. Ms. Li deals with various types of cases, such as Chinese domestic patent applications, Chinese national stage of PCT applications, and Chinese applications under Paris Convention. At present, she has handled hundreds of patent applications of and to foreign countries such as United States, Europe and Japan. Ms. Li’s practice is emphasized on the fields of computer, telecommunication, semiconductor, integrated circuit and etc.

In addition, Ms. Li also conducts research on foreign patent system and practice, e.g., when it is appropriate to file amendments to specification and to save costs, how to respond to various communications from foreign patent offices, which makes Ms.Li one of few patent attorneys understanding the patent systems of several major countries.

Due to her excellent special knowledge and passion to clients, Ms.Li has won trust and respect from clients.

Education Background

Received training at University of Political science and Law
Bachelor of Science, Zhangjiakou Communication Academy.

Working Language

Chinese English